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From Idea to Launch: Building a Personal Website with ChatGPT


Recently, I set out to build a website to help grow my personal brand as a full-stack developer. Little did I know, the AI-powered GPT-4 language model would play a significant role in guiding me through the process. In this post, I’ll share my experience of creating my website with ChatGPT’s assistance, from planning to execution.

Building My Website with ChatGPT Guidance

Exploring Free Options for Personal Website Creation

During the process of creating my personal website, I asked ChatGPT about various platforms where I could build and host my website for free. ChatGPT provided a list of popular options:

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  1. GitHub Pages (https://pages.github.com/): Ideal for developers, GitHub Pages allows you to host a static website directly from your GitHub repository. It supports Jekyll, a static site generator, and custom domains.
  2. Netlify (https://www.netlify.com/): Netlify is a popular platform for deploying modern web projects. It offers a free tier with hosting for static websites, continuous deployment from Git, and HTTPS. Netlify also supports custom domains.
  3. Vercel (https://vercel.com/): Vercel is another popular platform for hosting static websites and serverless functions. The free tier includes HTTPS, continuous deployment, and custom domain support.
  4. Cloudflare Pages (https://pages.cloudflare.com/): Cloudflare Pages provides fast and secure hosting for your static websites. It comes with a free plan that offers custom domain support, HTTPS, and continuous deployment from your Git repository.
  5. Wix (https://www.wix.com/): Wix is a website builder with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. The free plan includes Wix-branded domain and ads, but you can create a professional-looking website without coding.
  6. Weebly (https://www.weebly.com/): Weebly is another website builder with a free plan. You can create a simple site using their drag-and-drop editor, but the free plan comes with Weebly branding and limited features.
  7. WordPress.com (https://wordpress.com/): WordPress.com offers a free plan that allows you to create a website or blog with limited features and a WordPress-branded domain (e.g., yoursite.wordpress.com). It’s a good option if you prefer a more blog-focused website.

I asked ChatGPT several questions to compare the platforms and ultimately decided on Cloudflare Pages as the best fit for my needs. When choosing a platform, consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, and available features. As a web developer, you may prefer a platform that allows you to showcase your coding skills, like GitHub Pages, Netlify, Vercel, or Cloudflare Pages. However, if you want a more user-friendly option with a drag-and-drop editor, Wix, Weebly, or WordPress.com might be a better fit. Keep in mind that using a custom domain and removing platform branding usually requires upgrading to a paid plan.

Building a Personal Website on Cloudflare Pages with Hugo framework

I asked ChatGPT if it could generate all the necessary files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) and provide step-by-step instructions to build my website on Cloudflare Pages. ChatGPT provided a detailed guide on creating a personal website with a blog using Cloudflare Pages and the Hugo static site generator. Here are the steps:

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To create a personal website with a blog using Cloudflare Pages, we’ll use a static site generator called Hugo. Hugo is fast, easy to use, and supports themes and templates to quickly build a professional-looking site.

Step 1: Install Hugo

Follow the installation instructions on the official Hugo website (https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/).

Step 2: Create a new Hugo site

Open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the folder where you want to create your site, and run:

hugo new site alexkhram

Step 3: Choose a theme

Browse the Hugo themes gallery (https://themes.gohugo.io/) and choose a theme for your site. For this example, we’ll use the “Stack” theme

Step 4: Install the theme

Navigate to your site’s folder (alexkhram), then run:

git init
git submodule add https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack.git themes/stack

Edit your config.toml file in the root of your project and add the following line:

theme = "stack"

Step 5: Add content

Create a new post in the content/posts folder:

hugo new posts/my-first-post.md

Edit the my-first-post.md file and add your content in Markdown format. Set draft: false in the front matter to publish the post.

Step 6: Customize your site

Edit the config.toml file to add your personal information and site settings. Replace the [params] section with your information:

  author = "Alex Khramenkov"
  description = "Full-stack Web Developer | Symfony and Ibexa Expert"
  githubUsername = "alexkhram"
  linkedinUsername = "alexkhram"
  email = "[email protected]"

Step 7: Test your site locally

Run hugo server and open http://localhost:1313 in your browser to preview your site.

Step 8: Push your site to a Git repository

Create a new Git repository on GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Then, commit your site’s files and push them to the repository:

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin https://github.com/your-username/alexkhram.git
git push -u origin master

Replace https://github.com/your-username/alexkhram.git with the URL of your Git repository.

Step 9: Deploy your site on Cloudflare Pages

  1. Sign up or log in to Cloudflare and navigate to Cloudflare Pages (https://pages.cloudflare.com/).
  2. Click the “Create a project” button.
  3. Connect your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket account and authorize Cloudflare.
  4. Choose the repository that contains your Hugo site.
  5. In the build settings, set the “Build command” to hugo and the “Build output directory” to public.
  6. Click “Save and Deploy” to deploy your site.
  7. Once your site is deployed, go to “Custom domains” and click “Set up a custom domain.” Enter your domain, “alexkhram.com,” and follow the instructions to configure your DNS settings with your domain registrar.

Now your personal website with a blog is live on Cloudflare Pages and accessible at your custom domain, alexkhram.com.

By following these steps and regularly maintaining your website, you’ll have a professional online presence to showcase your expertise and connect with others in your industry. If you don’t understand some steps, just ask ChatGPT to describe the steps more in detail. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different features and configurations to create a website.

Customizing the Website

ChatGPT also helped me customize the website to make it unique and engaging. For instance, the AI suggested ways to make my favicon more circular and transparent, and how to replace an emoji with a custom PNG image in the sidebar. Additionally, ChatGPT guided me through the process of creating a Contact page with a functional form, allowing visitors to easily get in touch with me.

To further enhance my website’s visual appeal, I used another AI tool called Midjourney to generate captivating images. This combination of AI-powered tools enabled me to create a personalized and aesthetically pleasing online presence.

The Final Result

By following ChatGPT’s guidance and putting in some effort, I successfully built and launched my personal website (https://alexkhram.com/), which allows me to grow my personal brand. The website now features my blog, information about my expertise, and a way for visitors to get in touch with me.

And it’s amazing. Now even people without web development knowledge can create a website simply by adhering to ChatGPT’s step-by-step guidance. If you’re looking to build your own website, don’t hesitate to give ChatGPT a try.

I’ve been using AI (specifically, GitHub Copilot) for more than a year for my work, but ChatGPT is an absolutely new experience. The AI proved to be a valuable resource in helping me navigate the process, troubleshoot issues, and customize my site.

While AI can’t replace web developers yet, web developers who use AI will have a significant advantage compared to those who don’t.

Developed by AlexKhram